Being a motorcyclist can be one of the most enjoyable pass times and an experiences life can afford us, as well as being a practical way of travelling and commuting on today's busy roads. For these reasons and more, Motorcycleskills have developed a comprehensive range of training programs to help you get the best from yourself and your motorcycle.
For the new comer to Biking, all training takes place on campus prior to your Instructor taking you for on road training, thus insuring that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to ride safely, legally and in a safe manner, while achieving an acceptable rate of progress.
There are Motorcycle Refresher courses available covering general motorcycle skills, trip planning, riding with passengers, Group riding, riding abroad in Europe.
Advanced rider training is also available to any rider wishing to advance his riding techniques. Improving your skill level will improve your safety on the road and give you greater hazard awareness . Our aim is to progress you to a level of achievement, by doing so you may wish to obtain the Prestigious ROSPA or IAM awards Certificates.
Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) - RoSPA are one of the premier safety organisations in the world. Their qualifications are recognised, coveted and highly respected worldwide.
Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) - IAM are the UK's leading road safety charity, are dedicated to increasing skills for all road users, raising driving and riding standards and helping to save lives on our roads.

Having lost several friends to motorcycle accidents over the years Tony Moore realised that a lot of the accidents were down to lack of experience, bad roadcraft, and lack of professional training and poor machine maintenance.
Tony completed the military basic motorcycle course and the advanced motorcycle instructor’s course.
The military motorcycle courses are based on the SYSTEM OF MOTORCYCLE CONTROL.
The syllabus for the system of motorcycle control is used by the Irish defence forces, an garda siochana and the British police forces to train their motorcycle riders.
As well as his military qualifications Tony also holds a full road safety authority ADI permit (approved driving instructor permit), D.I.A., R.O.S.P.A. and I.A.M. qualifications.
After retiring from the defence forces Tony set up MOTORCYCLE TRAINING.IE in 2007 Tony spent the last several years of his military service in the transport core as a driving instructor.
Tony instructed on a range of vehicles from jeeps, vans, rigid and articulated trucks coaches and of course motorcycles. (This gives him a unique insight in how other road users view motorcyclists)